153. I think he chose Night as its title because probably were he went there wasn't really sunlight and the fact that he cant sleep at night after what he saw and experienced when he got deported to ghettos and concentration camps.
154. Elie changes by not being as faithful and God believing as he used to as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps.
155. Elie finally came to terms with this ordeal by writing his own book about his experiences end emotions,even though he has never forgotten about it and is scarred for the rest of his life.
156. Some examples of issues in Night that still arises today would be in:
** Rwanda- Beginning on April 6,1994 and the next hundreds days up to 800,00 Tutsi were killed by Hutu militia. They used clubs and machetes, with a average of 10,000 murdered each day.They were ordered to kill every Tutsi they could capture and even the political moderates. There was also war rape involved and its considered a war crime. These both ethnic groups seem to be very similar, but mos Tutsi often tell people they originally came from Ethiopia so when they were killed they were thrown in the river and said that they were sent were they came from. Tensions began when Belgian colonists classified people according to their ethnicity and considered Tutsi as superiors so they enjoyed better jobs. Then the hatred began to build up.
**India- They discriminate most Muslims. Its suspected in February 2002, over 2,000 Muslims in the Indian State of Gujarat are believed to have been murdered. Over 80 of them were born alive and over 35,000 were internationally displaced. This is similar to what happened to the Jews and other ethnic groups on the holocaust in the gas chambers.