Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. Here I am in my room thinking what to do, either to betray my friend or stay quiet and keep our friendship. I'm just sick of all these nightmares, I want to be able to sleep like I used to and have my conscious clean. His secret was so overwhelming that I as in myself feel like I'm the bad one and not him.

It all started about a week ago after school when I decided to go visit my friend, Pablo, since he hasn't been going to school these past few days and I just wanted to go see whats wrong. I tried calling him but he never picked up besides his voice mail, not even on IM. If there was something wrong or I needed somebody to talk to he's been always there for me. Pablo is basically my best friend.

When I arrived on his door step, I rang the doorbell. I told my self that it was weird that nobody was home,as so I thought. I then remembered that he always had an emergency key for whenever he as drunk and forgot his keys. I looked under the flowers, grabbed the key, and opened the door. I entered the house, and my eyes went wide open for seeing such a filthy mess. The whole house looked abandoned. Food and clothes where all over the place, plus I caught a horrible smell from across the hall.

I started calling out Pablo's name over and over again, "Pablo, Pablo where are you?!?". But no one answered. I was getting closer to his bedroom and the horrible stench got stronger. When suddenly I saw a dead body on the floor!! I started screaming from the top of my lungs not knowing what to do. And that's were I saw Pablo lying on the bed cuddled up. I asked, "Pablo, Pablo is that you?!" When he turned around I realized that it was him.

Pablo, my best friend, looked depressed in a sickly way. He looked extremely pale.He also looked at me with agony. It was obvious that he hasn't taken a shower like in a week or so.


  1. wow that is a big secret that will keep nightmares for ever i like the secret but i want to know what happen after that

  2. it was a good story
    nice work Karen
    from Edgar...... =D

  3. nice story
    mm fix some of your sentences

