Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcast's deaths, who/what would you blame & why.?
-- Uncle Billy
-- Citizens of Poker Flat
-- Bad Luck
-- Outcasts
If I had to blame the deaths on someone or something I would probably blame it on the outcasts. I would blame it on them because if they weren't the way they were they wouldn't never been kicked out of Poker Flat in the first place. Also, if Uncle Billy weren't to be a drunk, he would have never ran away with the horses and the outcasts would still be alive.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin ( Three Stories]

" The Story if an Hour "
This was a very good story in my opinion. This would be my second favorite story out of the three we read because it had a very funny but sad twist in the end. Also, in the beginning from the descriptions I thought she was having a heart attack after being told that her husband died but i got shocked since she wasn't miserable but happy! It was funny because at the end well people think she died from happiness seeing her husband come home but the truth was she died from disbelief since she was all happy that he her husband had passed away and all of the sudden he 's alive. Also, well back in the days women really did not have freedom and what men said goes. So, freedom for women was very rare, in this case she got freedom when she thought her husband died.
" The Blind Man "
(disabled; rich vs. poor)
To be honest, I didn't really like this story. One reason would be that it didn't have that much humor. It simply talked about a blind man. Even thought i got to admit it was pretty sad the way the poor man was being treated. Everybody in the neighborhood seem to ignore him instead of having the kind heart as to help him. The story showed the way both karma and ablism worked. I mean the rich guy that got hit by the car probably was the one that gave the blind man the pencils to sell in order to get off his property and at the end well the rich man simply died.
" Desiree's Baby "
This story was my favorite one. One of the reasons would be the fact that it too involves karma, love, and misunderstanding. I mean i thought that love could overcome anything, but according to this story love can;t overcome anything. For example, the father of the baby left her and Desiree just because the baby came out to be colored skin. It surprised me on how image and wealth can affect someone's thinking almost as making them ignorant. I mean he didn't want to see Desiree or his baby ever again! That when karma came in and interfered since at the end he figured out that he was the one with "African-American" blood and not Desiree. So there was a huge misunderstanding! Racism in this story is very strong plus the fact that (what goes around comes around)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment

I served four glasses of the wonderful and exclusive water of the ancient fountain of youth. And before my eyes even blinked they drank it and their wrinkles just disappeared and their eyes, their eyes were no longer tiring. I couldn't believe it.! But, I started thinking that the water was sort of addicting since the four my fellow friends demanded more water and weren't realizing what they are getting there selves in to.
So i obeyed. I filled the four glasses with it. But, this time they didn't drank it they literally gulped it down. They seem even more younger. I noticed that the water sheded years of their face and body within seconds. Something went wrong thought. I had a purpose for this experiment. My purpose was to see if giving them a second chance was worth it meaning would they repeat the same mistakes as they did before. And to my surprise, they did do the same mistakes as they did before. For example, Mr. Gascoigne started blabbing out political non-sense, Colonel Kiligrew began to make his moves towards Widow Wycherly, and Mr. Medbourne started thinking of ways to scam people with the dumbest ideas i have ever heard.
I was very glad I didn't drink it. I learned something very valuable and unfortunately giving second chances is not worth it.
My aging friends went in complete shock when their youth faded away. So they decided to move to Florida to search for the Fountain Of Youth, but I mean its not worth it because they will still be the same unsuccessful people as they were once before.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's Baby, The Sequal

After Armand finished reading the letter, his eyes were full of complete shock and confusion. He didn't want to believe that what he held in his hands was truthful. He discovered that his father lied to him the whole time, which lead him to the huge misunderstanding thinking his wife was the reason that his reputation in society was ruined, plus the fact that he lost the love of his life. He later realized that what he did was wrong and he had to get his family back. When he made this decision, he didn't care anymore what people said. He started thinking the time when his father told him that his mother had died, Armand had high hopes that his mother was still alive and wanted a good explanation for this whole explanation.

He ordered his slaves to stop the bon fire and fix his wife's room like it was before. He left the house and ran to search for Desiree. He started shouting out her name over and over again hoping that she responded back. He fell in his knees yelling, "Oh god why, why did this had to happen to me please, please help me i beg you!."' He kept running and running and there she was. Desiree and her baby in the meadow. He shouted out her name one more time. And, as if was a miracle, she turned around with tears running across her beautiful face. Her face expressed complete disappointment and pain. Desiree the turned around and started walking again. Armand ran to her and grabbed her by her arm. With his two hands he held her face and told her," Desiree, my love, please look at me and tell me you forgive me for everything i had done to you you don't deserve to be treated the way i did, please take me back I know i made a huge mistake but i promise you i will change which i now know i have truly been ignorant"
Desiree said with a misery tone "I'm sorry, but i believe its too late. Deep in my heart i still love you but I just can't go through this all over again. All you care for is your useless money and ego. I don't really think you area respected person, your slaves, the slaves are people and not some property. You choose not to believe me, so now you come here telling me your sorry but I'm sorry i really am but i just don't think i would support someone like you anymore."
She then walked away with her head up high with her child, while Armand was left there in the deserted meadow crying and lonely......

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? Why or why not? Use examples from the story.
I would say i wouldn't volunteer for an operation.One of the reasons i say that would be because i already know the effects, so i mean why get my hopes up thinking i would be smarter but the truth is the intelligence would be taken away from me. Plus the fact that, like Charlie, i would probably loose my loved ones and at the end they might feel sorry for me.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 3-7

After reading Chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give you solutions for each.

One of the problems that Benjamin might encounter would be having to grow younger and be even more less attracted to his wife. A solution would be advice her to be more "fun" like she used to be and try to dress up more younger (makeover). Another problem would be having a child and eventually be younger than him. There really isn't a solution to this problem because of how he was born, so Benjamin might want to be a friend and a father to his own child at the same time since both of them would be going through the same stages in life. Sadly, he might go through would be loosing his wife, too. That would very devisating and the only solution is to try to get over his grief by thinking like a kid he would be when she does pass away. Probably, since he's getting younger, he would forget that he ever had a wife and start acting lik a child.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks & is worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?

I think Benjamin's dad shouldn't be that concerned about what people say about him. I mean family should be more important then some dumb comments. But based on his reaction, I would say that ( not to be mean by the way) his dad could keep Benjamin locked in their house so people wouldn't ruin their reputation by seeing somebody as unusual as Benjamin. Since, at that time, people were very ignorant by only judging on looks and sadly that still happens today. But later when time passes by and Benjamin's father accepts him he could be normal as any other kid and finally have a loving father, too.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in Chapter 1?
If I were to be Roger Button in Chapter 1 I would have been probably laughing in amusement thinking how the people from the hospital tried to put a joke on me. But later when i found the appalling truth that the child was to be mine, I would probably faint in confusion. Also, I would be extremely worried if my wife was okay, i mean how could she have survived giving birth to a 70-year old child or man. Another thing would be that I would have been very shocked knowing that my baby already knows how to speak and has knowledge like a real adult. After my child asked the nurse for a sheet, I would probably wonder if it was my fault this could have happen. I would have complete guilt.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Its sad to see someone you know turn into someone you knew.
You remember the times you used to spend together.
You see them walk past by you and your body just fills with sadness knowing the fact that they see you as a no one, as somebody invisible.
It was as if you were never really there and your face obtains an expression of complete misery.
If you were to have one wish, you will hope to recover that lost friendship you once had.