Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reflection Questions 152-156 on Night

152. I think Elie Wiesel wrote this book so that people would know what happened in this time period and hopefully to not repeat itself ever again.

153. I think he chose Night as its title because probably were he went there wasn't really sunlight and the fact that he cant sleep at night after what he saw and experienced when he got deported to ghettos and concentration camps.

154. Elie changes by not being as faithful and God believing as he used to as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps.

155. Elie finally came to terms with this ordeal by writing his own book about his experiences end emotions,even though he has never forgotten about it and is scarred for the rest of his life.

156. Some examples of issues in Night that still arises today would be in:

** Rwanda- Beginning on April 6,1994 and the next hundreds days up to 800,00 Tutsi were killed by Hutu militia. They used clubs and machetes, with a average of 10,000 murdered each day.They were ordered to kill every Tutsi they could capture and even the political moderates. There was also war rape involved and its considered a war crime. These both ethnic groups seem to be very similar, but mos Tutsi often tell people they originally came from Ethiopia so when they were killed they were thrown in the river and said that they were sent were they came from. Tensions began when Belgian colonists classified people according to their ethnicity and considered Tutsi as superiors so they enjoyed better jobs. Then the hatred began to build up.

**India- They discriminate most Muslims. Its suspected in February 2002, over 2,000 Muslims in the Indian State of Gujarat are believed to have been murdered. Over 80 of them were born alive and over 35,000 were internationally displaced. This is similar to what happened to the Jews and other ethnic groups on the holocaust in the gas chambers.




Monday, May 18, 2009

"The Diary of Anne Frank Act I"

Literature Book Pg.832 (1-8)

1) The Families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be hardest to follow? Why?
One of the rules I think would be hardest to follow would be the fact that you have to wait all day while the office people are working without moving absolutely any muscle, make no noise, and having to wait to use the bathroom. These were hard to follow because you might feel numbness, plus it not good for your help having to wait to use the bathroom (you bladder might get damaged)

2) a. In Scene 1, what objects does Mr. Frank find in the secret rooms?
The objects that Mr. Frank found in the secret rooms were Anne's diary and her white glove.

b. How were these objects connected with the rest of the act?
These objects were connected to the rest of the act by the act being based on Anne's diary.

3) a. What special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families?
The special meaning that Hanukkah have on the families were to have a family gathering and the one time they shouldn't have to worry about anything besides gifts, hope, and happiness.

b. What do Anne's presents show about her?
Anne's presents show that she is a caring and joyful little girl and she didn't want their culture to be forgotten just because of the situation there where in, probably she wanted to see the people she loved with a smile on there face.

c. Why do the other's react with enthusiasm to their presents?
Other's react with enthusiasm to their presents because there was finally something to be happy about no mattering how valuable the present was since it is the intention that counts.

4) a. "There are no locks... that anyone can put on your mind", How does Anne aprove that this is true?
Anne approves that this is true because even thought she was in hiding, she still had the privilege to learn anything she wanted and believed in.

5) a. What is the historical cause that forces the Franks to go into hiding?
The historical cause that forced the Franks to go into hiding was the Nazis taking power and trying to get rid of and suffer the Jews sending them to concentration or death camps.

b. What effects does this situation have on their daily lives?
The effects that this situation have on their daily days were giving them fear of getting deported to these horrible places and doing anything to keep people form knowing that they were in hiding; plus that fact that they couldn't feel fresh air and did not have the joy of freedom.

6) a. What effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews?
The effects that the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the Jews was knowing who was or wasn't Jewish that way they wouldn't make a mistake in incriminating them.

b. What background information about the war and the Nazis' treatment of the Jews helps you to link this cause with its intended effects?
The link was the concentration camps by the way they were treated. For example, in the concentration camps imprisoned people had to o forced labor which literally lead them to miserable death and the seperation of their family and loved ones.


Reveals character and relationships Mr. Van Daan is a is a greedy man and Dussel is a dentist both have hard times getting along with children. Both don't see to get along much because of the fact that Dussel moved int o hiding with them and the people have to share food with them and according to Mr. Van Daan there isn't enough for all of them.

Dialogue-- advances the action of the plot

Develops the conflict

8) What does the dialogue among the characters reeval about their personalities?
The dialogue reveals that Dussel doesn't support Anne, hes a former dentist, and is a very quiet man. On the other and, Mr. Van Daan seems to be a bit greedy since he told outloudthat there wasn't going to be food enough for all of them in Dussel's face during a conversation.


Literature Book Pg. 870 (1-9)

1) What do you like best about Anne Frank? How would you like having her as a friend?
I like the fact Anne says what she feel and tell people the truth straight up and not be quiet and take everything in. I would like having Anne as a friend since she has a fun and loving personality and i actually see myself with her as friends, plus she seems trust worthy and very mature so she;s someone you would probably go for advice.

2) a. What disturbing news does Mr, Kraler bring on New Year's Day?
The disturbing news that Mr. Kraelr brings up on New Year's Eve was that people did not believe that they escaped to Switzerland like the note has said and were they very suspicious on where they went to hiding.

b. What hint does this give the ending of the play?
The hint that this gives the ending of the play would be that probably people will end up finding out where they were hidden and send to to either death or concentration camp.

3) a. What is the time span of Act II?
The time span of Act II took place between the years of 1944 and 1945.

b. How have the characters changed since the end of Act II?
Mostly all the characters had changed since the end of Act II. For example, Anne seems to be more mature than a kid should be at her age. Also, Peter seems to think of Anne in a different way. And according to the book, they eventually ended up falling in love. Anne's mom turns out to not quiet and bursted out of her quiet shell and got mad when she found out Mr. Van Daan was a thief.
c. How do you know that Anne has changed?
Anne has changed in many ways. One way she changed was by stop acting childish and thinking more maturely. Also, she doesn't seem to annoy Peter anymore. Another thing would be she stays hopeful in spite of everything that has happened over the past years.

4) a. How can Anne believe that "...in spite of everything...people are really good at heart?"
I know that Anne believed this because it seemed that she was just afraid of them but she never spoke fowl things about everyone since she knew not all people were bad and was hopeful to get saved by the good people (Allies)

b. What does Mr.Frank mean when he says: "She puts me to shame"?
Mr. Frank probably means that her daughter was insane for thinking that everything was going to be like it used to be and be so kind hearted after all that has happened and all the suffering they went through.

5) For each of the following events identify the cause and effect.

a. Mr. Van Daan's decision to steal food
The cause of him stealing would be the great hunger and greediness he had . The effect was everybody in the hiding was starving since the food was short and they thought it was a rat who was eating all the food.

b. Mrs. Frank's change of heart about wanting the Van Daan's to leave
The cause of his change of heart was Peter who was for him still a child and had nothing to do about what his father was doing and Peer and Anne became very close friends. The effect of this was the Van Daan's didn't have a place to live.

6) What are some possible causes of Mrs. Van Daan's attitude toward Anne and Peter's relationship?
Some possible causes of Mrs.Van Daan's attitude toward Anne and Peter relationship would be Anne dressing up and her and Peter staying in the room together for quite a while.

7) List three effects of this single cause.
One effect would be I would probably go insane since I could not go outside. Another effect would be having health problems like starving and being extremely skinny. Also, probably I would have a world of my own inside my head because all day you have to stay quiet and absolutely not a move a single muscle.

8) a.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

->(50 THiiNGS I LEARNEd)

1. The plan to banish the whole Jewish race was called, "Final Solution".

2. The Nazi gained total power on Germany in 1933.

3. The beginning of World War II was when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939.

4. Polish people were also discriminated.

5. Western European Jews and Polish were deported to ghettos.

6. Ghettos was a place with overcrowded people, inadequate food, and was very unsanitary.

7. June 1941, German invaded SS and police units which served as massive killing places.

8. By Autumn, SS and police introduced mobile gas vans.

9. The gas vans killed those within with deadly carbon monoxide gas.

10. The Nazi killed approximately six million Jews!

11. The word "Holocaust" comes from the Greek meaning "sacrifice by fire".

12. The Nazi believed they were he superior race, an the Jews were a major threat.

13. Gypsies, disabled, Slavic, Russians, homosexuals, and many other races were also killed.

14. At the end of World War II, two thirds of the Jewish population of Europe was wiped out.

15. During World War II, ghettos were city districts.

16. Ghettos isolated Jews from non-Jews and forced Jews to live in miserable conditions.

17. Germans established the first ghetto in in Poland in Piotrków Trybunalski in October 1939.

18. The Germans actually destroyed the ghettos systemically.

19. Some ghettos lasted days,months, and rarely years.

20. There were three types of ghettos: closed ghettos, open ghettos, and destruction ghettos.

21. The largest ghetto was located in Poland and was called Warsaw ghetto.

22. About 400,000 Jew were crowded in Warsaw which was 1.3 square miles.

23. Germans ordered Jews to wear similar badges or armbands in order to identify them.

24. Germans did not hesitate to kill Jew policeman when they filed to carry out orders.

25. Ghetto resident often did illegal activities such as stealing food, medicine, and other stuff.

26. Germans forbade any type of schooling or constant schooling.

27. Germans considered any type of social gathering a "security threat".

28. Pogrom is a Russian word, it means "to demolish violently".

29. The Nazis experimented with poison gas in late 1939 with the killing of mental patients.

30. Nazis thought people with mental or physical disability were unworthy of life.

31. Germany took over Poland in Autumn 1939 ; forced Jew and Polish men to do unpaid labor.

32. The Nazis pursued this policy called,"annihilation through work".

33. Prisoners were literally worked to death.

34. They worked under awful conditions that would lead to illness, death, and injury!

35. More than one million of the victims were children.

36. Jewish and non-Jewish killed when they arrived in killing centers.

37. Children were killed right after they are born or in institutions.

38. Some children that lived in ghettos and camps survived because prisoners hid them.

39. The word ghetto comes from Venice meaning Jewish quarter.

40. Children, usually over 2, were used for medical experiments!

41. They were often killed on reprisal operations and so-called anti-partisan operations.

42. German authority considered most of the younger ghetto children as "useless eaters".

43. Romanis are also known as Gypsies

44. The Soviet Union were ordered to kidnap children that could be "Germanized"

45. Children with blue eyes, blond hair, or fair skin had the opportunity.

46. Female prisoners that had sexual relationships with a German were forced to abort.

47. They had to abort because they believed the child did not have enough German blood in it.

48. Children in youth movements later participated in underground resistance activities.

49. Jewish people were scared going back home because of hatred that existed after the war.

50. Genocide is a group of race that want to completely annihilated another group of race.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adam's Story


It was a calm and sunny day. I could have rested in peace if it weren't for that strange creature that was following and watching every move I had made. I felt like as if I had absolutely no privacy. I climbed up the tree and started looking around this strange but yet wonderful world. I felt the breeze calming all my nerves. I examined how the birds were chirping and fly oer the sky with such great gracefulness. The big shining star was hiding again and the big, silver round ball took its place and served as light for the night. I thought of a good name for it and i finally decided to call it, "the moon". My eyes were starting to close slowly and i suddenly saw total blackness.

Friday, May 1, 2009


In a late sunny after, a very well-known and respected flamingo named Fring was walking along the shore-line just passing by when all of the sudden an ugly but very sweet swan named Rose wanted to make a conversion. And Fring automatically ignored her and told her," you fowl beast, how dare you talk to me" and Rose felt really hurt and just walked away. That next day, the flamingo woke up and stood in front of a mirror and couldn't believe his own eyes. He saw a faded pink colored bird, with an old beak and ugly feathers! He ran to the shore-line again and Rose wasn't an ugly swan anymore like before, instead she was a beautiful white bird. Fring wanted to talk to her, but she responded like he responded her before, " you fowl beast, how dare you talk to me"
what goes around, comes around.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcast's deaths, who/what would you blame & why.?
-- Uncle Billy
-- Citizens of Poker Flat
-- Bad Luck
-- Outcasts
If I had to blame the deaths on someone or something I would probably blame it on the outcasts. I would blame it on them because if they weren't the way they were they wouldn't never been kicked out of Poker Flat in the first place. Also, if Uncle Billy weren't to be a drunk, he would have never ran away with the horses and the outcasts would still be alive.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin ( Three Stories]

" The Story if an Hour "
This was a very good story in my opinion. This would be my second favorite story out of the three we read because it had a very funny but sad twist in the end. Also, in the beginning from the descriptions I thought she was having a heart attack after being told that her husband died but i got shocked since she wasn't miserable but happy! It was funny because at the end well people think she died from happiness seeing her husband come home but the truth was she died from disbelief since she was all happy that he her husband had passed away and all of the sudden he 's alive. Also, well back in the days women really did not have freedom and what men said goes. So, freedom for women was very rare, in this case she got freedom when she thought her husband died.
" The Blind Man "
(disabled; rich vs. poor)
To be honest, I didn't really like this story. One reason would be that it didn't have that much humor. It simply talked about a blind man. Even thought i got to admit it was pretty sad the way the poor man was being treated. Everybody in the neighborhood seem to ignore him instead of having the kind heart as to help him. The story showed the way both karma and ablism worked. I mean the rich guy that got hit by the car probably was the one that gave the blind man the pencils to sell in order to get off his property and at the end well the rich man simply died.
" Desiree's Baby "
This story was my favorite one. One of the reasons would be the fact that it too involves karma, love, and misunderstanding. I mean i thought that love could overcome anything, but according to this story love can;t overcome anything. For example, the father of the baby left her and Desiree just because the baby came out to be colored skin. It surprised me on how image and wealth can affect someone's thinking almost as making them ignorant. I mean he didn't want to see Desiree or his baby ever again! That when karma came in and interfered since at the end he figured out that he was the one with "African-American" blood and not Desiree. So there was a huge misunderstanding! Racism in this story is very strong plus the fact that (what goes around comes around)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment

I served four glasses of the wonderful and exclusive water of the ancient fountain of youth. And before my eyes even blinked they drank it and their wrinkles just disappeared and their eyes, their eyes were no longer tiring. I couldn't believe it.! But, I started thinking that the water was sort of addicting since the four my fellow friends demanded more water and weren't realizing what they are getting there selves in to.
So i obeyed. I filled the four glasses with it. But, this time they didn't drank it they literally gulped it down. They seem even more younger. I noticed that the water sheded years of their face and body within seconds. Something went wrong thought. I had a purpose for this experiment. My purpose was to see if giving them a second chance was worth it meaning would they repeat the same mistakes as they did before. And to my surprise, they did do the same mistakes as they did before. For example, Mr. Gascoigne started blabbing out political non-sense, Colonel Kiligrew began to make his moves towards Widow Wycherly, and Mr. Medbourne started thinking of ways to scam people with the dumbest ideas i have ever heard.
I was very glad I didn't drink it. I learned something very valuable and unfortunately giving second chances is not worth it.
My aging friends went in complete shock when their youth faded away. So they decided to move to Florida to search for the Fountain Of Youth, but I mean its not worth it because they will still be the same unsuccessful people as they were once before.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's Baby, The Sequal

After Armand finished reading the letter, his eyes were full of complete shock and confusion. He didn't want to believe that what he held in his hands was truthful. He discovered that his father lied to him the whole time, which lead him to the huge misunderstanding thinking his wife was the reason that his reputation in society was ruined, plus the fact that he lost the love of his life. He later realized that what he did was wrong and he had to get his family back. When he made this decision, he didn't care anymore what people said. He started thinking the time when his father told him that his mother had died, Armand had high hopes that his mother was still alive and wanted a good explanation for this whole explanation.

He ordered his slaves to stop the bon fire and fix his wife's room like it was before. He left the house and ran to search for Desiree. He started shouting out her name over and over again hoping that she responded back. He fell in his knees yelling, "Oh god why, why did this had to happen to me please, please help me i beg you!."' He kept running and running and there she was. Desiree and her baby in the meadow. He shouted out her name one more time. And, as if was a miracle, she turned around with tears running across her beautiful face. Her face expressed complete disappointment and pain. Desiree the turned around and started walking again. Armand ran to her and grabbed her by her arm. With his two hands he held her face and told her," Desiree, my love, please look at me and tell me you forgive me for everything i had done to you you don't deserve to be treated the way i did, please take me back I know i made a huge mistake but i promise you i will change which i now know i have truly been ignorant"
Desiree said with a misery tone "I'm sorry, but i believe its too late. Deep in my heart i still love you but I just can't go through this all over again. All you care for is your useless money and ego. I don't really think you area respected person, your slaves, the slaves are people and not some property. You choose not to believe me, so now you come here telling me your sorry but I'm sorry i really am but i just don't think i would support someone like you anymore."
She then walked away with her head up high with her child, while Armand was left there in the deserted meadow crying and lonely......

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? Why or why not? Use examples from the story.
I would say i wouldn't volunteer for an operation.One of the reasons i say that would be because i already know the effects, so i mean why get my hopes up thinking i would be smarter but the truth is the intelligence would be taken away from me. Plus the fact that, like Charlie, i would probably loose my loved ones and at the end they might feel sorry for me.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 3-7

After reading Chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give you solutions for each.

One of the problems that Benjamin might encounter would be having to grow younger and be even more less attracted to his wife. A solution would be advice her to be more "fun" like she used to be and try to dress up more younger (makeover). Another problem would be having a child and eventually be younger than him. There really isn't a solution to this problem because of how he was born, so Benjamin might want to be a friend and a father to his own child at the same time since both of them would be going through the same stages in life. Sadly, he might go through would be loosing his wife, too. That would very devisating and the only solution is to try to get over his grief by thinking like a kid he would be when she does pass away. Probably, since he's getting younger, he would forget that he ever had a wife and start acting lik a child.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks & is worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?

I think Benjamin's dad shouldn't be that concerned about what people say about him. I mean family should be more important then some dumb comments. But based on his reaction, I would say that ( not to be mean by the way) his dad could keep Benjamin locked in their house so people wouldn't ruin their reputation by seeing somebody as unusual as Benjamin. Since, at that time, people were very ignorant by only judging on looks and sadly that still happens today. But later when time passes by and Benjamin's father accepts him he could be normal as any other kid and finally have a loving father, too.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in Chapter 1?
If I were to be Roger Button in Chapter 1 I would have been probably laughing in amusement thinking how the people from the hospital tried to put a joke on me. But later when i found the appalling truth that the child was to be mine, I would probably faint in confusion. Also, I would be extremely worried if my wife was okay, i mean how could she have survived giving birth to a 70-year old child or man. Another thing would be that I would have been very shocked knowing that my baby already knows how to speak and has knowledge like a real adult. After my child asked the nurse for a sheet, I would probably wonder if it was my fault this could have happen. I would have complete guilt.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Its sad to see someone you know turn into someone you knew.
You remember the times you used to spend together.
You see them walk past by you and your body just fills with sadness knowing the fact that they see you as a no one, as somebody invisible.
It was as if you were never really there and your face obtains an expression of complete misery.
If you were to have one wish, you will hope to recover that lost friendship you once had.

Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words ...

It was dawn, the time when the sun rose up and it a brand new day for me. By the way my name is Abigail. I have two brothers. The younger one is 6 yrs old, his name is Freddy, and the oldest one is 8 yrs old and his name is Nicholas. Since I'm the girl on the house, I'm the one that is suppose to do "girl work". Sometimes I get tired and I go bother my brothers. And its surprisingly fun and the fact that I never get caught because I'm known as a "good girl" but the truth is good girls are just bad girls who don't get caught. So when I woke up, I went to get water from outside even though it was cold and splashed it to my brothers since they were late for work!

It was a Sunday morning so as always I have to help my mom for breakfast. I went to fetch some eggs from the chickens that were outside. I was proud since yesterday I learned how to churn butter for the first time! Even though I sometimes wish I was like other "fortunate" girls that get to go to school. But my father kept telling me that boys are the ones that go to school not girls. My mom, Angie, gave me a list of chores. I don't really enjoy doing them by they way, but that's the only way I could distract me from boredom. Even though love taking care of my horse. He name is miracle. My father, Joseph, ordered me to give her away but I knew there was something special about her. So everyone knows I hide her away from my dad, if he finds out I still take care of her well I'm going to be in big, and I mean BIG trouble.I was done with all my given chores just about time for dinner.

It was sundown and my dad was late from work. My father worked as a lumberjack. My brothers were early home, after doing there work they usually went to school. They were lucky, as far as I thought since they got to have an education. I always wanted to read those book my mom had in her bedroom hidden in her closet. My mother was full of mysteries. She's always cheerful and helping everyone around her.I helped my mom set the table. We had saved a lot of money in order to buy our plates. My mom made her famous home made carrot pie. I remember that she had told me before that she used to travel a lot with her mother, but became very poor when the great depression took place. So if it weren't for that, we wouldn't been living this miserable life. Probably I would be more like those "fortunate" girls.

The food was all set in the table by the time my grandmother started carving something, I always thought she was kind of crazy because at night she always wakes up screaming and most of the time she's twitchy.By my surprise, my brothers introduced us to a dog they had found lonely in the road when they were walking home back from work & school. I thought he was very adorable, I decided to name him Tanner. We a sat down and started eating, and as always Nicholas kept on eating even though we already had finished.

And suddenly my father came from home yelling," Honey, I'm home, what’s for diner?". I quickly panicked because Miracle was in the window because my mom was feeding her. And I was trying to give tanner something to eat since his head laid on my mom's lap because he looked extremely hungry and forgotten. I quickly sat with my head down just waiting for my father to start screaming and hoping he wont make a GREAT deal about it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

--> ii Hate when people judge other people before they even get know them
--> when people say they going to beat you up but they never do
--> when i forget to do something
--> i hate liars
--> i dont like it when people eat with their mouth open
--> when i hear ppl screaming, it annoys me
--> I hate when ppl laugh for everything, especially if it not funny
--> i dont like when im taking a shower and ppl keep knocking the door knowing that im inside i mean seriosuly can't they wait
--> when ppl change the channel on tv knowing that im watching something
--> i hate when men are pervs, especially when your walking down the street
--> when boy say they love but don't mean it
--> i also hate when ppl think they know everything but it turns out they dont know anything
--> when girls think they are hot but they really not they are simply conceited.
--> when ppl say idk.
--> i hate it when theres toilet paper in the bathroom.
--> i hate it when ppl snore, especially if you can hear it across the hallway
--> when pplz be nozy.
--> when pplz try to copy you, like the way you look or act.
--> i hate it when pplz call you private.
--> i also hate when ppl try to show off, especially boys. (impress)
--> i hate when boys try to be slick.
--> i hate it when ppl from my house eat everything.
--> I hate it when my dad is always the first one to try something.
--> when ppl say they dont like it before they even try it
--> i hate it when ppl try to make you feel bad but they end up getting treated. (lol)

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. Here I am in my room thinking what to do, either to betray my friend or stay quiet and keep our friendship. I'm just sick of all these nightmares, I want to be able to sleep like I used to and have my conscious clean. His secret was so overwhelming that I as in myself feel like I'm the bad one and not him.

It all started about a week ago after school when I decided to go visit my friend, Pablo, since he hasn't been going to school these past few days and I just wanted to go see whats wrong. I tried calling him but he never picked up besides his voice mail, not even on IM. If there was something wrong or I needed somebody to talk to he's been always there for me. Pablo is basically my best friend.

When I arrived on his door step, I rang the doorbell. I told my self that it was weird that nobody was home,as so I thought. I then remembered that he always had an emergency key for whenever he as drunk and forgot his keys. I looked under the flowers, grabbed the key, and opened the door. I entered the house, and my eyes went wide open for seeing such a filthy mess. The whole house looked abandoned. Food and clothes where all over the place, plus I caught a horrible smell from across the hall.

I started calling out Pablo's name over and over again, "Pablo, Pablo where are you?!?". But no one answered. I was getting closer to his bedroom and the horrible stench got stronger. When suddenly I saw a dead body on the floor!! I started screaming from the top of my lungs not knowing what to do. And that's were I saw Pablo lying on the bed cuddled up. I asked, "Pablo, Pablo is that you?!" When he turned around I realized that it was him.

Pablo, my best friend, looked depressed in a sickly way. He looked extremely pale.He also looked at me with agony. It was obvious that he hasn't taken a shower like in a week or so.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. I was told that a woman was brutally murdered in a hotel room located in Chicago. I had to work and cooperate with another detective named Matthew. Since I had many years of experience working in this field, I thought my boss was overreacting about how the woman might have been killed. So, I went to the parking lot with my partner, got in the car, and turned on the engine. I drove directly to the crime scene.
When I arrived, I saw how abandoned the hotel was. It looked like as if it has been built around the 1950’s. It was a very dull place with windows cracked and paint falling of the walls. When I was about to open the door, I heard somebody screaming “No please Don’t, HELP! Help! SOMEBODY PLEASE!” It sounded like a woman screaming for help and I heard that it came from the alley. I quickly ran to the alley, but for my surprise I found nothing. Matthew later came and asked me why I had ran over to the alley. I later told him that it was nothing, simply my imagination. Later on, I stepped into the crime scene. My eyes went wide open and thought, this might have been the most violent crimes I have ever investigated.
The first thing I did was call the forensic team to take some evidence while I interviewed for useful information and if I got lucky, find some suspects. I found out that the women that was murdered was nicknamed Chula because it was believed that she was a beautiful young woman but her real name was Rosalinda. Sadly, she turned 18 the day before her horrible death. Her mother, Yolanda, had described her daughter not with love but some sort of hatred or resentment towards her. I asked her what she did before her death, she told me that she was suppose to go to a night club to celebrate her 18th birthday with some friends. At around 10:00 at night but she never came back to sleep, though. But she got a call from her around 12 at night saying that one of her "friends" i believe was named Alan was going to give her a ride home. When I was done interviewing her, I made a list of the people Ms. Yolanda had mentioned. Later I asked the forensic team what they had found so far and they told me that they found several finger prints posted all over her body, bite marks, and it seemed like Rosalinda had been severely hit on the head with a hammer and probably became unconscious before being.....raped.
That Night i had an awful nightmare. The weird thing was that I was the same place of the hotel room Rosalinda was murdered.I walked into a very elegant room with silky drapes. Then i walked to a mirror, and i noticed that it wasn't me but a beautiful, young girl about the age of 18. I quickly realized that it was Rosalinda.s And in back of the reflection of me in the mirror stood a strange man with a hammer about to hit me. I then woke up screaming and sweating and felt as if I was Rosalinda and not myself in my own dream!
The next day i began researching the location of the witnesses.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Making Logandale Better.

There are many things to do in order to improve Logandale and make it a better school. One of the many thins would be having more new students transfer to this school. Another thing we could do would be establishing more exploratory classes and field trips. Also, kids should have the privilege to sit wherever they want in the lunchroom. Don’t you think this’ll make the school better?

In order to make the school better there should be more kids transferring into Logandale, especially new kids. Students from our school would probably like to meet new people. Since we’ll be having new people in our school, kids from our school might develop a friendship with them and actually fit in a group of people and not be feeling left out. I mean there are some kids that have absolutely no friends at all, and by having new kids well they might have a chance to have friends. So, by students having friends, they could be accompanied by somebody when we go to fieldtrips.

Having more field trips and exploratory classes more children would be attracted to Logandale thinking that it’s a fun school to go to. For example, we should have more fun field trips like going to Shedd Aquarium. Especially for the 8th graders because it’s going to be their last year so why not let them have a good memory of middle school. Also, the school should have more exploratory classes. For example, we should have music class since apparently teachers say that they miss the after school sound of the band practicing in the Multi-Purpose room. But before we even plan to make field trips, students should be trustworthy for paying field trips money or else the whole field trip will be cancelled. Sitting with friends makes more time for students to be together.

Kids should have the privilege to sit wherever they in the lunchroom. I mean school has rules and system to prepare us for high school, so why not let the students sit wherever they want in lunchroom like in high school. It will be pretty nice if we get to sit with our friends from another class. Kids should probably be looking forward to attending this school if we get to have this privilege. Do you want your kids to have a social life in middle school?

There are many things the school could do in order to improve Logandale Middle School. One think would be having more new kids transferring to this school. Another thing the school could do would be to have more exploratory classes and field trips. Also, the students should have the privilege to sit wherever they want in the lunchroom. Don’t you think this’ll make Logandale better?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

One of the many life changing events that I have had would be when I lost my Tia Tere. That was one of the most devastating days of my entire life. My aunt was the second person I used to look up to. She used to babysit both me and my brother while my mom went to work. I loved spending time with her and my cousin Diane. I used to look up to her because every time she used o give us lectures when we got in trouble. Telling us we needed to appreciate what we had and not wishing what we want to have because our parents work their ass off at work to give us what they can. I loved going to her basketball games since I used make new friends and get in trouble a lot with the security. When she learned how to drive she used to invite my mom, my brother, and me to go to different places. Sometimes we used to stay at her house till 1 in the morning or other times even stayed at her house. But she used to be very strict thought she had a strong character, but she showed she loved us in her own way. My mom told me she inherited that trait from my grandmother since my grandfather never raised his hand on my aunts or my mom. Also, My aunt Tere was a very independent and she always said what she felt not caring if it offended people. Also, if she wanted to accomplish something, she'll do whatever she could to reach her goals.

When the whole family found out she as having her third child, everyone got both excited and happy knowing that their was going to be a new member in the family. My other aunts bought tons of clothing and baby stuff to give her. My aunt Tere was always grateful, but her sisters started to get worried. Before, my aunt Tere used to have very painful migraines, so painful that she had to stay in bed the whole day even thought she hated to because she was like her house to be very clean and organized. So, when it came to the baby shower my aunt looked sickly and tired so my mom asked her what was wrong. My Tere responded by telling her that she was at the hospital the day before because she had her migraines back. The bad thing was that my aunt Tere never told us (the family) that if she decided to give birth to the baby girl she had inside her, she had a high risk of dying. Unfortunately, after she gave birth she seemed very happy as if everything was alright. But, like 3 or 4 days after, she had a paralytic stroke (derrame cerebral). My uncle took her to the hospital, she was about to die but instead she went into coma. When i saw my mom receiving the news, she became extremely worried. he doctors had decided to perform brain surgery on my Aunt Tere in order to save her life, but the consequences were that she was going to become a vegetable. It was devastating because my Aunt tere....didn't survive. When I found out about her death i couldn't believe it, I started crying and tried to comfort my mom. My mom, well she literally fainted and went into deep depression. She used to stay at bed the whole day always crying, wishing all of this was a true and horrible nightmare.

My aunt Tere is still my role model even though she's in a better place now and truly miss her and I love her with all my heart. I learned many things from her, and most importantly that you should appreciate someone and love them with all your heart because one day they might disappear from your life, go away forever......

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Parents Are the Best Teachers

I agree with the statement, parents are the best teacI completely agree with this statement because parents have more experience than us teenagers do.Another reason would be that parents are the ones that knows us best so they’ll do the best they can to understand the present and give better advice to us instead of being ignorant.Also, parents teach you what wrong from right.Am I not right?

Even though most teenagers say that parents know nothing about what they are doing or going through, but the truth is that they end up being wrong because parents are the ones with the most experience in life than us teenagers do.For example, once I tried to cook for myself you know try to be a little independent but I didn’t want help from anybody. So my mom saw what I was doing and she told me that I was doing it all wrong but because I was so stubborn I told her that I knew perfectly what I was doing. The funny thing is that my cooking ended up being burned so my mom came and taught me the right way to do it besides that fact that she told me that she’s always right. Another example would be when parents teach you how to dress up. I mean they taught you how to combine clothing according to their colors. If they never taught you that, probably you be looking like a clown wearing different colors or clothing at the same time.Also, if you want to baby-sit your mom or dad are most likely to teach you how to take care of a baby. Most importantly they teach you how to be a good role model. Most parents use their own experience to give their children the best given advice since they love and care for them.

Parents are the ones that know us best so even though the years change they will try to understand them in order to give us good advice. I mean parents now a days have old ways of thinking because some of them think you have to be 18 in order to have a boyfriend! Others are more open minded and not ignorant like others. So for example, these open minded parents try to give the best advice in order to give their child freedom and advice, like knowing who to trust and don’t let yourself be abused or used.Another good example would be the issue with parents in the present. Some parents want their little girl to go virgin in the altar. But I mean the truth is that it doesn’t work that way now a days. So, like I said before, open minded parents try to give their children advice by giving them a sex talk basically by just telling them to use protection and diseases. Also, since parents know us and understand more the life we are going through well if one day they have grandchildren they might give their own children advice on how to take care of their own kids. Would you rather be ignorant or teach your children right from wrong by just listening to them and give advice?

Parents are the ones that teach their own children right from wrong.For example, lets say you are a little kid and you really want something and you decide to simply take it but you get in trouble because you didn’t know that it was wrong to steal, so parents were suppose to tell you that stealing is wrong and the right thing to do is to return the item and say sorry. Another example would be that some bullies exist in school. Probably these students were never told that bothering other kids was a wrong thing to do and the right thing to do is to simply talk t them nicely and not forcing people to be their friend or frightening other kids in order to look “tough”. Also, the right thing is that parents & children trust each other so that kids wouldn’t do the wrong thing which is listening to bad advice from the wrong people. Are your parents teaching you the right way or the wrong way?

In conclusion, I believe that parents are the best teachers that a kid could ever have.I think that this is true because it is obvious that our parents have lived longer than us which means that they have the most experience in life. Also, parents are the ones that knows us best and would be willing to understand the present in order to give us useful and reasonable advice. Another reason would be that parents are the main people that teach us what’s right from wrong. Do you think your parents are doing a good job as being as your mentor?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

A very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today would be "learning how to avoid negative people". One of the many reasons would be having a positive attitute towards different situations. Another reason would be not relying on people for their opinions. My third reason would be responsible for your own happiness. "Jealous people will always be jealous"

As you may already know, most parents and other people who care about you would probably say,” keep your head up high". Meaning to always have a positive attitude no matter what kind of situation you're in. For example, if one of your loved ones got into this huge car accident and you think the worsest things, in that moment you should try to hope for the best and have a lot of faith in god in other words keep your head up high. Another example would be if you are about to lose your job, so obviously people would be giving you a negative attitude telling you that you're going to be fired or you don't belong here, but instead of listening to them you should be thinking the more positive side of it like you could do better and show your boss you deserve this job. A third example would be if you have the kind of parent that don't really care about school and tell you that you are not able to do anything, that's where you should ignore them and not care about what they say because you know that you have the potential to do anything in life if you put your ind and effort to it. It means that you don't really need to pay much attention to any thing that other people say but to believe in what you say or think instead.

As a human being, you don't really need to rely on other people's opinions in order to be successful in life. I believe on not caring what other people say because most of the time they just say hurtful things just to irritate you or make you feel less. For example, you go to this party and dress up to look your best but suddenly when you arrive people start criticizing or judging you for how you look and truly they don't even know you for who you are but for what you wear in the outside. This happens very often with celebrity's, that’s why I think they spend all their money on luxury and beauty because of all the criticism they might hear about them. Another example would be when you cook because sometimes when you have people order you decide to cook but when its time to eat they start criticizing you on your "bad" cooking but you know it's not true so the best thing to do it to simply ignore their disapproval because your opinion is what really counts. My last example would be in the fashion industry. I chose the fashion industry as an example because they say you HAVE to be skinny in order to be a true model but the fact is that people come in all sorts of shapes in sizes, so if you are a model you shouldn’t pay much attention to them because your health his past all those criticism I mean you shouldn't kill yourself of hunger just because someone told you that you're "Fat". These type of people say these things just to make themselves feel more superior and make other people, like I said before, feel less so the best thing to ever do is ignore them and move on.

People these days have to be responsible for their own happiness. For example, if a boy goes out with a girl just to use her, the girl shouldn't be sad if he breaks up with her, she should just move on and just be happy with her life. Another example would be that in all cases if the person knows he or she is not comfortable with the way they are living, they should try to live the "right" way. My last example would be the life of a gang banger. Since even know some gang bangers say they are happy with the way they are living, the majority say they want to leave the gang life to live a happier and more safer life, but once your in, your in the gang for life! That means that they were responsible for their own choice of living because they had the choice of either getting in or not getting into that situation at all. So what I am trying to say is that they were responsible for their life they are living right now because they didn't have the bravery to say NO gang and all that it includes. People that lure kids into that kind of life are basically jelous for not being happy so they want to make other people unhappy,too.

In conclusion, one of the many important skills a person should know in order to be successful in life should be the ability to ignore or avoid negative people. There are many reasons behind this useful skill. Having a positive attitude no matter what kind of situation you're into. Another very important reason would be not relying o people for their opinion because your own opinion is he one that really counts. Also, people are responsible for their own happiness. Like I said before, "Jealous people will always be jealous"!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

One of the bestest day of my life would be the absolutely, unforgettable, "Girls Night Out". I remember that day as if it was yesterday. My friends have been planning it for quite a long time actually. It all started like a few days before, we were at school when we were talking and laughing at lunch. The subject about spending time together as friends came up out of no where. My friends and I had an idea of going shopping but I wanted to go to the movies instead. So well took a vote. And surprisingly, most of us decided that we wanted to go to the movies. Later, we started talking and arguing about the movie we all wanted to see. But it was funny thought because Zuly had seen almost all the movies which was difficult, but later on we all, well most of us, decide that we wanted to go see the new movie that came up called "The Eye". There was a little problem though, Jaymee wasn't comfortable with the idea of watching scary movies. So yea, we tried to convince her saying that it wasn't that bad watching scary movies because we were going to be next to her, so she was going to be fine.

Days passed and they were full of stress and laughter, but we were finally relieved that Friday finally came up. For me it was cool because I had a chance to spend time with my friends: Eli,Zuly,Jaymee, Kierra, Jose,Julian,&& Manny. Jaymee's mom, Mrs. Dory, decided to pick us up around 10:00, but at the same time we were hoping that it didn't snow because if it did well Mrs. Dory couldn't drop us off at our houses! So we all met up at Jaymee's house. When all of us were there we got ready and went inside the car. Later, Jaymee's mom dropped us off at the theaters....

And when we arrived, i have to admit that it was total chaos! It was all confusing because when we got there, well everyone wanted to see different movies ! So we spent like 20 to 30 minutes arguing, it was funny though because people were just starring at us. So then we decide to split up. Me && Jaymee were going to see Meet the Spartans. Zuly,Eli,&& Kierra went to see "The Eye". So I found out that we were super late for Meet the Spartans so i got pissed off because they charged me more! But i was like whatever. So we got in and just started playing with the games. Later, we decided to go buy something to eat.

When we finally got to see the movie, we thought it was boring so we just started to fool around throwing popcorn everywhere laughing and just having fun. Even though we saw some disturbing things though. Later on we found out it was getting late, so Jaymee's mom picked us up. And we went to her house. Later on we found out that it was about to be 1 in the morning! And for our luck it was snowing. So we went walking. And it wasn't half bad after all. We had a snow fight, we talked and talked and laughed, too.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nature Haiku

The fish are graceful
I wish to swim under the sea
The reef is colorful

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Smile

When I looked at her smile, I knew she was up to something. I smiled back at her innocent, little look that she had in her face and just simply walked away as if everything was completely normal. I went back to thinking, in my head, and was wondering what was she really up to, though. Later on, i went back to doing the usual: cleaning, doing homework, and babysitting. I have been babysitting little Abbi since she was about 7 months, and now she was completely grown into a young, "sweet" little 5 years old girl. She was tremendously uncontrollable. I have told her parents that she was the devil disguised as an adorable little thing,otherwise i call her Chucky, but they thought i was fooling around. That was completely obvious for them to not really care since all that they would think about was money,money, and money! My friends and family have been telling me for quite a long time to quit the job, but the real reason I have been tolerating Abbi was because I needed the money really bad to help out my family in the crisis since both of my parents lost their job. So, I felt like it was my responsibility the provide my family emotionally and most importantly economically because I was the oldest of the siblings, it didn't really matter to me that i was a girl.

That day that Abbi gave me a suspicious look, like i said i was wondering what she was up to, and i suddenly realized that she has been bragging on and on about going to some birthday party of a "Friend" of hers. So when that thought ran through my head, i immediately ran o look for her. And sadly, I couldn't find her anywhere! So, I went knocking from door to door asking no wait literally yelling at people in a very desperate and worried way, " HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GIRL!!" showing them the cute little picture I had. The day suddenly disappeared and the full Moon shined as if it were the sun of the night. I later found a bench and sat down thinking about all the bad things i had said about her wishing she had never even existed, trying to take all those wishes back but I couldn't because it was to late, i was screwed and heart broken inside thinking i was the worst babysitter ever! So i went walking with my useless sobs back to Abbi's house thinking about how to tell her parents the devastating news.

When i arrived to her house, I saw Abbi! Abbi, the beautiful little girl, playing as if she was never gone. I was so really completely full of happiness and joy. The first thing i did was run towards her and embrace her in my arms, jokingly Abbi said, " okay your squishing me". I laughed and then my smile went down into a huge frown. I scolded at her asking why she almost gave me a heart attack. But sweetly and innocently she told me that she was never gone because she was playing hide and seek. So, i had to admit I learned my lesson.

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things I Want to do in my Lifetime

1) -- I will try my hardest in order to enter Lane Tech.

2) -- I would like to meet my true soul mate/love.

3) -- I would try my very best in order to get in collage and be a good example for the family.

4) -- I really,really want to go visit Mexico!

5) -- I would like to have the best 15 party ever!

6) -- I want to work in the medical field when I grow up.

7) -- I will learn how to drive.

8) -- I would like Zuly to stop being emo.

9) -- I would like to be shorter.

10) -- I would love to crash a wedding.

11) -- I would also love to meet Cristiano Ronaldo... he's so fine!

12) -- I would like to pierce my belly button.

13) -- I would like to try running the block naked!

14) -- I would like to change disguises and travel all around the world.

15) -- I would like to dress as a transvestite in Halloween and scare little kids.

16) -- I would love to go on a shopping spree and shop till I drop.

17) -- I would like to go to New York in fashion week.

18) -- I would like to dance in a music video .

19) -- I would like to experience love at first sight.

20) -- I will join a soccer team and try my best at it.

21) -- I would like to accomplish on being a detective.

22) -- I would also like to have my own t.v. show based on teen behavior.

23) -- I would like to try skydiving to know how it feels.

24) -- I would like to visit the playboy mansion to see how big it is.

25) -- I would like to live to see my grandchildren.