Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words ...

It was dawn, the time when the sun rose up and it a brand new day for me. By the way my name is Abigail. I have two brothers. The younger one is 6 yrs old, his name is Freddy, and the oldest one is 8 yrs old and his name is Nicholas. Since I'm the girl on the house, I'm the one that is suppose to do "girl work". Sometimes I get tired and I go bother my brothers. And its surprisingly fun and the fact that I never get caught because I'm known as a "good girl" but the truth is good girls are just bad girls who don't get caught. So when I woke up, I went to get water from outside even though it was cold and splashed it to my brothers since they were late for work!

It was a Sunday morning so as always I have to help my mom for breakfast. I went to fetch some eggs from the chickens that were outside. I was proud since yesterday I learned how to churn butter for the first time! Even though I sometimes wish I was like other "fortunate" girls that get to go to school. But my father kept telling me that boys are the ones that go to school not girls. My mom, Angie, gave me a list of chores. I don't really enjoy doing them by they way, but that's the only way I could distract me from boredom. Even though love taking care of my horse. He name is miracle. My father, Joseph, ordered me to give her away but I knew there was something special about her. So everyone knows I hide her away from my dad, if he finds out I still take care of her well I'm going to be in big, and I mean BIG trouble.I was done with all my given chores just about time for dinner.

It was sundown and my dad was late from work. My father worked as a lumberjack. My brothers were early home, after doing there work they usually went to school. They were lucky, as far as I thought since they got to have an education. I always wanted to read those book my mom had in her bedroom hidden in her closet. My mother was full of mysteries. She's always cheerful and helping everyone around her.I helped my mom set the table. We had saved a lot of money in order to buy our plates. My mom made her famous home made carrot pie. I remember that she had told me before that she used to travel a lot with her mother, but became very poor when the great depression took place. So if it weren't for that, we wouldn't been living this miserable life. Probably I would be more like those "fortunate" girls.

The food was all set in the table by the time my grandmother started carving something, I always thought she was kind of crazy because at night she always wakes up screaming and most of the time she's twitchy.By my surprise, my brothers introduced us to a dog they had found lonely in the road when they were walking home back from work & school. I thought he was very adorable, I decided to name him Tanner. We a sat down and started eating, and as always Nicholas kept on eating even though we already had finished.

And suddenly my father came from home yelling," Honey, I'm home, what’s for diner?". I quickly panicked because Miracle was in the window because my mom was feeding her. And I was trying to give tanner something to eat since his head laid on my mom's lap because he looked extremely hungry and forgotten. I quickly sat with my head down just waiting for my father to start screaming and hoping he wont make a GREAT deal about it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

--> ii Hate when people judge other people before they even get know them
--> when people say they going to beat you up but they never do
--> when i forget to do something
--> i hate liars
--> i dont like it when people eat with their mouth open
--> when i hear ppl screaming, it annoys me
--> I hate when ppl laugh for everything, especially if it not funny
--> i dont like when im taking a shower and ppl keep knocking the door knowing that im inside i mean seriosuly can't they wait
--> when ppl change the channel on tv knowing that im watching something
--> i hate when men are pervs, especially when your walking down the street
--> when boy say they love but don't mean it
--> i also hate when ppl think they know everything but it turns out they dont know anything
--> when girls think they are hot but they really not they are simply conceited.
--> when ppl say idk.
--> i hate it when theres toilet paper in the bathroom.
--> i hate it when ppl snore, especially if you can hear it across the hallway
--> when pplz be nozy.
--> when pplz try to copy you, like the way you look or act.
--> i hate it when pplz call you private.
--> i also hate when ppl try to show off, especially boys. (impress)
--> i hate when boys try to be slick.
--> i hate it when ppl from my house eat everything.
--> I hate it when my dad is always the first one to try something.
--> when ppl say they dont like it before they even try it
--> i hate it when ppl try to make you feel bad but they end up getting treated. (lol)

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. Here I am in my room thinking what to do, either to betray my friend or stay quiet and keep our friendship. I'm just sick of all these nightmares, I want to be able to sleep like I used to and have my conscious clean. His secret was so overwhelming that I as in myself feel like I'm the bad one and not him.

It all started about a week ago after school when I decided to go visit my friend, Pablo, since he hasn't been going to school these past few days and I just wanted to go see whats wrong. I tried calling him but he never picked up besides his voice mail, not even on IM. If there was something wrong or I needed somebody to talk to he's been always there for me. Pablo is basically my best friend.

When I arrived on his door step, I rang the doorbell. I told my self that it was weird that nobody was home,as so I thought. I then remembered that he always had an emergency key for whenever he as drunk and forgot his keys. I looked under the flowers, grabbed the key, and opened the door. I entered the house, and my eyes went wide open for seeing such a filthy mess. The whole house looked abandoned. Food and clothes where all over the place, plus I caught a horrible smell from across the hall.

I started calling out Pablo's name over and over again, "Pablo, Pablo where are you?!?". But no one answered. I was getting closer to his bedroom and the horrible stench got stronger. When suddenly I saw a dead body on the floor!! I started screaming from the top of my lungs not knowing what to do. And that's were I saw Pablo lying on the bed cuddled up. I asked, "Pablo, Pablo is that you?!" When he turned around I realized that it was him.

Pablo, my best friend, looked depressed in a sickly way. He looked extremely pale.He also looked at me with agony. It was obvious that he hasn't taken a shower like in a week or so.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. I was told that a woman was brutally murdered in a hotel room located in Chicago. I had to work and cooperate with another detective named Matthew. Since I had many years of experience working in this field, I thought my boss was overreacting about how the woman might have been killed. So, I went to the parking lot with my partner, got in the car, and turned on the engine. I drove directly to the crime scene.
When I arrived, I saw how abandoned the hotel was. It looked like as if it has been built around the 1950’s. It was a very dull place with windows cracked and paint falling of the walls. When I was about to open the door, I heard somebody screaming “No please Don’t, HELP! Help! SOMEBODY PLEASE!” It sounded like a woman screaming for help and I heard that it came from the alley. I quickly ran to the alley, but for my surprise I found nothing. Matthew later came and asked me why I had ran over to the alley. I later told him that it was nothing, simply my imagination. Later on, I stepped into the crime scene. My eyes went wide open and thought, this might have been the most violent crimes I have ever investigated.
The first thing I did was call the forensic team to take some evidence while I interviewed for useful information and if I got lucky, find some suspects. I found out that the women that was murdered was nicknamed Chula because it was believed that she was a beautiful young woman but her real name was Rosalinda. Sadly, she turned 18 the day before her horrible death. Her mother, Yolanda, had described her daughter not with love but some sort of hatred or resentment towards her. I asked her what she did before her death, she told me that she was suppose to go to a night club to celebrate her 18th birthday with some friends. At around 10:00 at night but she never came back to sleep, though. But she got a call from her around 12 at night saying that one of her "friends" i believe was named Alan was going to give her a ride home. When I was done interviewing her, I made a list of the people Ms. Yolanda had mentioned. Later I asked the forensic team what they had found so far and they told me that they found several finger prints posted all over her body, bite marks, and it seemed like Rosalinda had been severely hit on the head with a hammer and probably became unconscious before being.....raped.
That Night i had an awful nightmare. The weird thing was that I was the same place of the hotel room Rosalinda was murdered.I walked into a very elegant room with silky drapes. Then i walked to a mirror, and i noticed that it wasn't me but a beautiful, young girl about the age of 18. I quickly realized that it was Rosalinda.s And in back of the reflection of me in the mirror stood a strange man with a hammer about to hit me. I then woke up screaming and sweating and felt as if I was Rosalinda and not myself in my own dream!
The next day i began researching the location of the witnesses.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Making Logandale Better.

There are many things to do in order to improve Logandale and make it a better school. One of the many thins would be having more new students transfer to this school. Another thing we could do would be establishing more exploratory classes and field trips. Also, kids should have the privilege to sit wherever they want in the lunchroom. Don’t you think this’ll make the school better?

In order to make the school better there should be more kids transferring into Logandale, especially new kids. Students from our school would probably like to meet new people. Since we’ll be having new people in our school, kids from our school might develop a friendship with them and actually fit in a group of people and not be feeling left out. I mean there are some kids that have absolutely no friends at all, and by having new kids well they might have a chance to have friends. So, by students having friends, they could be accompanied by somebody when we go to fieldtrips.

Having more field trips and exploratory classes more children would be attracted to Logandale thinking that it’s a fun school to go to. For example, we should have more fun field trips like going to Shedd Aquarium. Especially for the 8th graders because it’s going to be their last year so why not let them have a good memory of middle school. Also, the school should have more exploratory classes. For example, we should have music class since apparently teachers say that they miss the after school sound of the band practicing in the Multi-Purpose room. But before we even plan to make field trips, students should be trustworthy for paying field trips money or else the whole field trip will be cancelled. Sitting with friends makes more time for students to be together.

Kids should have the privilege to sit wherever they in the lunchroom. I mean school has rules and system to prepare us for high school, so why not let the students sit wherever they want in lunchroom like in high school. It will be pretty nice if we get to sit with our friends from another class. Kids should probably be looking forward to attending this school if we get to have this privilege. Do you want your kids to have a social life in middle school?

There are many things the school could do in order to improve Logandale Middle School. One think would be having more new kids transferring to this school. Another thing the school could do would be to have more exploratory classes and field trips. Also, the students should have the privilege to sit wherever they want in the lunchroom. Don’t you think this’ll make Logandale better?