Friday, March 20, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. I was told that a woman was brutally murdered in a hotel room located in Chicago. I had to work and cooperate with another detective named Matthew. Since I had many years of experience working in this field, I thought my boss was overreacting about how the woman might have been killed. So, I went to the parking lot with my partner, got in the car, and turned on the engine. I drove directly to the crime scene.
When I arrived, I saw how abandoned the hotel was. It looked like as if it has been built around the 1950’s. It was a very dull place with windows cracked and paint falling of the walls. When I was about to open the door, I heard somebody screaming “No please Don’t, HELP! Help! SOMEBODY PLEASE!” It sounded like a woman screaming for help and I heard that it came from the alley. I quickly ran to the alley, but for my surprise I found nothing. Matthew later came and asked me why I had ran over to the alley. I later told him that it was nothing, simply my imagination. Later on, I stepped into the crime scene. My eyes went wide open and thought, this might have been the most violent crimes I have ever investigated.
The first thing I did was call the forensic team to take some evidence while I interviewed for useful information and if I got lucky, find some suspects. I found out that the women that was murdered was nicknamed Chula because it was believed that she was a beautiful young woman but her real name was Rosalinda. Sadly, she turned 18 the day before her horrible death. Her mother, Yolanda, had described her daughter not with love but some sort of hatred or resentment towards her. I asked her what she did before her death, she told me that she was suppose to go to a night club to celebrate her 18th birthday with some friends. At around 10:00 at night but she never came back to sleep, though. But she got a call from her around 12 at night saying that one of her "friends" i believe was named Alan was going to give her a ride home. When I was done interviewing her, I made a list of the people Ms. Yolanda had mentioned. Later I asked the forensic team what they had found so far and they told me that they found several finger prints posted all over her body, bite marks, and it seemed like Rosalinda had been severely hit on the head with a hammer and probably became unconscious before being.....raped.
That Night i had an awful nightmare. The weird thing was that I was the same place of the hotel room Rosalinda was murdered.I walked into a very elegant room with silky drapes. Then i walked to a mirror, and i noticed that it wasn't me but a beautiful, young girl about the age of 18. I quickly realized that it was Rosalinda.s And in back of the reflection of me in the mirror stood a strange man with a hammer about to hit me. I then woke up screaming and sweating and felt as if I was Rosalinda and not myself in my own dream!
The next day i began researching the location of the witnesses.

1 comment:

  1. Karen awesome story it was very great i like it it was awesome it was one of the best stories i read im proud of you keep up the good work.
