Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words ...

It was dawn, the time when the sun rose up and it a brand new day for me. By the way my name is Abigail. I have two brothers. The younger one is 6 yrs old, his name is Freddy, and the oldest one is 8 yrs old and his name is Nicholas. Since I'm the girl on the house, I'm the one that is suppose to do "girl work". Sometimes I get tired and I go bother my brothers. And its surprisingly fun and the fact that I never get caught because I'm known as a "good girl" but the truth is good girls are just bad girls who don't get caught. So when I woke up, I went to get water from outside even though it was cold and splashed it to my brothers since they were late for work!

It was a Sunday morning so as always I have to help my mom for breakfast. I went to fetch some eggs from the chickens that were outside. I was proud since yesterday I learned how to churn butter for the first time! Even though I sometimes wish I was like other "fortunate" girls that get to go to school. But my father kept telling me that boys are the ones that go to school not girls. My mom, Angie, gave me a list of chores. I don't really enjoy doing them by they way, but that's the only way I could distract me from boredom. Even though love taking care of my horse. He name is miracle. My father, Joseph, ordered me to give her away but I knew there was something special about her. So everyone knows I hide her away from my dad, if he finds out I still take care of her well I'm going to be in big, and I mean BIG trouble.I was done with all my given chores just about time for dinner.

It was sundown and my dad was late from work. My father worked as a lumberjack. My brothers were early home, after doing there work they usually went to school. They were lucky, as far as I thought since they got to have an education. I always wanted to read those book my mom had in her bedroom hidden in her closet. My mother was full of mysteries. She's always cheerful and helping everyone around her.I helped my mom set the table. We had saved a lot of money in order to buy our plates. My mom made her famous home made carrot pie. I remember that she had told me before that she used to travel a lot with her mother, but became very poor when the great depression took place. So if it weren't for that, we wouldn't been living this miserable life. Probably I would be more like those "fortunate" girls.

The food was all set in the table by the time my grandmother started carving something, I always thought she was kind of crazy because at night she always wakes up screaming and most of the time she's twitchy.By my surprise, my brothers introduced us to a dog they had found lonely in the road when they were walking home back from work & school. I thought he was very adorable, I decided to name him Tanner. We a sat down and started eating, and as always Nicholas kept on eating even though we already had finished.

And suddenly my father came from home yelling," Honey, I'm home, what’s for diner?". I quickly panicked because Miracle was in the window because my mom was feeding her. And I was trying to give tanner something to eat since his head laid on my mom's lap because he looked extremely hungry and forgotten. I quickly sat with my head down just waiting for my father to start screaming and hoping he wont make a GREAT deal about it.


  1. Very nice story sounds to me that you tried to empathize how it would sound back then to be a working girl with wishes to learn things and have an eduacation a few mispelled words
    but still a good read.

  2. i ike the story it was one of a kind but how come she can't go to school and boys can't but there is other girls going to school

  3. I like the story and all the details. Just go back and fix some sentences in the second pragraph.

  4. Nice Stroy Kar3n

    Fix the sentances ok But its nice

  5. nice!!!
    nice!!! ^_^
