Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 3-7

After reading Chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter & give you solutions for each.

One of the problems that Benjamin might encounter would be having to grow younger and be even more less attracted to his wife. A solution would be advice her to be more "fun" like she used to be and try to dress up more younger (makeover). Another problem would be having a child and eventually be younger than him. There really isn't a solution to this problem because of how he was born, so Benjamin might want to be a friend and a father to his own child at the same time since both of them would be going through the same stages in life. Sadly, he might go through would be loosing his wife, too. That would very devisating and the only solution is to try to get over his grief by thinking like a kid he would be when she does pass away. Probably, since he's getting younger, he would forget that he ever had a wife and start acting lik a child.


  1. It's really good! but you should check your spelling... :)

  2. Good Problems. I agree with you. Check some mistakes you have in there. Good Job! :]
