Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

One of the many life changing events that I have had would be when I lost my Tia Tere. That was one of the most devastating days of my entire life. My aunt was the second person I used to look up to. She used to babysit both me and my brother while my mom went to work. I loved spending time with her and my cousin Diane. I used to look up to her because every time she used o give us lectures when we got in trouble. Telling us we needed to appreciate what we had and not wishing what we want to have because our parents work their ass off at work to give us what they can. I loved going to her basketball games since I used make new friends and get in trouble a lot with the security. When she learned how to drive she used to invite my mom, my brother, and me to go to different places. Sometimes we used to stay at her house till 1 in the morning or other times even stayed at her house. But she used to be very strict thought she had a strong character, but she showed she loved us in her own way. My mom told me she inherited that trait from my grandmother since my grandfather never raised his hand on my aunts or my mom. Also, My aunt Tere was a very independent and she always said what she felt not caring if it offended people. Also, if she wanted to accomplish something, she'll do whatever she could to reach her goals.

When the whole family found out she as having her third child, everyone got both excited and happy knowing that their was going to be a new member in the family. My other aunts bought tons of clothing and baby stuff to give her. My aunt Tere was always grateful, but her sisters started to get worried. Before, my aunt Tere used to have very painful migraines, so painful that she had to stay in bed the whole day even thought she hated to because she was like her house to be very clean and organized. So, when it came to the baby shower my aunt looked sickly and tired so my mom asked her what was wrong. My Tere responded by telling her that she was at the hospital the day before because she had her migraines back. The bad thing was that my aunt Tere never told us (the family) that if she decided to give birth to the baby girl she had inside her, she had a high risk of dying. Unfortunately, after she gave birth she seemed very happy as if everything was alright. But, like 3 or 4 days after, she had a paralytic stroke (derrame cerebral). My uncle took her to the hospital, she was about to die but instead she went into coma. When i saw my mom receiving the news, she became extremely worried. he doctors had decided to perform brain surgery on my Aunt Tere in order to save her life, but the consequences were that she was going to become a vegetable. It was devastating because my Aunt tere....didn't survive. When I found out about her death i couldn't believe it, I started crying and tried to comfort my mom. My mom, well she literally fainted and went into deep depression. She used to stay at bed the whole day always crying, wishing all of this was a true and horrible nightmare.

My aunt Tere is still my role model even though she's in a better place now and truly miss her and I love her with all my heart. I learned many things from her, and most importantly that you should appreciate someone and love them with all your heart because one day they might disappear from your life, go away forever......

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