Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Parents Are the Best Teachers

I agree with the statement, parents are the best teacI completely agree with this statement because parents have more experience than us teenagers do.Another reason would be that parents are the ones that knows us best so they’ll do the best they can to understand the present and give better advice to us instead of being ignorant.Also, parents teach you what wrong from right.Am I not right?

Even though most teenagers say that parents know nothing about what they are doing or going through, but the truth is that they end up being wrong because parents are the ones with the most experience in life than us teenagers do.For example, once I tried to cook for myself you know try to be a little independent but I didn’t want help from anybody. So my mom saw what I was doing and she told me that I was doing it all wrong but because I was so stubborn I told her that I knew perfectly what I was doing. The funny thing is that my cooking ended up being burned so my mom came and taught me the right way to do it besides that fact that she told me that she’s always right. Another example would be when parents teach you how to dress up. I mean they taught you how to combine clothing according to their colors. If they never taught you that, probably you be looking like a clown wearing different colors or clothing at the same time.Also, if you want to baby-sit your mom or dad are most likely to teach you how to take care of a baby. Most importantly they teach you how to be a good role model. Most parents use their own experience to give their children the best given advice since they love and care for them.

Parents are the ones that know us best so even though the years change they will try to understand them in order to give us good advice. I mean parents now a days have old ways of thinking because some of them think you have to be 18 in order to have a boyfriend! Others are more open minded and not ignorant like others. So for example, these open minded parents try to give the best advice in order to give their child freedom and advice, like knowing who to trust and don’t let yourself be abused or used.Another good example would be the issue with parents in the present. Some parents want their little girl to go virgin in the altar. But I mean the truth is that it doesn’t work that way now a days. So, like I said before, open minded parents try to give their children advice by giving them a sex talk basically by just telling them to use protection and diseases. Also, since parents know us and understand more the life we are going through well if one day they have grandchildren they might give their own children advice on how to take care of their own kids. Would you rather be ignorant or teach your children right from wrong by just listening to them and give advice?

Parents are the ones that teach their own children right from wrong.For example, lets say you are a little kid and you really want something and you decide to simply take it but you get in trouble because you didn’t know that it was wrong to steal, so parents were suppose to tell you that stealing is wrong and the right thing to do is to return the item and say sorry. Another example would be that some bullies exist in school. Probably these students were never told that bothering other kids was a wrong thing to do and the right thing to do is to simply talk t them nicely and not forcing people to be their friend or frightening other kids in order to look “tough”. Also, the right thing is that parents & children trust each other so that kids wouldn’t do the wrong thing which is listening to bad advice from the wrong people. Are your parents teaching you the right way or the wrong way?

In conclusion, I believe that parents are the best teachers that a kid could ever have.I think that this is true because it is obvious that our parents have lived longer than us which means that they have the most experience in life. Also, parents are the ones that knows us best and would be willing to understand the present in order to give us useful and reasonable advice. Another reason would be that parents are the main people that teach us what’s right from wrong. Do you think your parents are doing a good job as being as your mentor?

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