Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

A very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today would be "learning how to avoid negative people". One of the many reasons would be having a positive attitute towards different situations. Another reason would be not relying on people for their opinions. My third reason would be responsible for your own happiness. "Jealous people will always be jealous"

As you may already know, most parents and other people who care about you would probably say,” keep your head up high". Meaning to always have a positive attitude no matter what kind of situation you're in. For example, if one of your loved ones got into this huge car accident and you think the worsest things, in that moment you should try to hope for the best and have a lot of faith in god in other words keep your head up high. Another example would be if you are about to lose your job, so obviously people would be giving you a negative attitude telling you that you're going to be fired or you don't belong here, but instead of listening to them you should be thinking the more positive side of it like you could do better and show your boss you deserve this job. A third example would be if you have the kind of parent that don't really care about school and tell you that you are not able to do anything, that's where you should ignore them and not care about what they say because you know that you have the potential to do anything in life if you put your ind and effort to it. It means that you don't really need to pay much attention to any thing that other people say but to believe in what you say or think instead.

As a human being, you don't really need to rely on other people's opinions in order to be successful in life. I believe on not caring what other people say because most of the time they just say hurtful things just to irritate you or make you feel less. For example, you go to this party and dress up to look your best but suddenly when you arrive people start criticizing or judging you for how you look and truly they don't even know you for who you are but for what you wear in the outside. This happens very often with celebrity's, that’s why I think they spend all their money on luxury and beauty because of all the criticism they might hear about them. Another example would be when you cook because sometimes when you have people order you decide to cook but when its time to eat they start criticizing you on your "bad" cooking but you know it's not true so the best thing to do it to simply ignore their disapproval because your opinion is what really counts. My last example would be in the fashion industry. I chose the fashion industry as an example because they say you HAVE to be skinny in order to be a true model but the fact is that people come in all sorts of shapes in sizes, so if you are a model you shouldn’t pay much attention to them because your health his past all those criticism I mean you shouldn't kill yourself of hunger just because someone told you that you're "Fat". These type of people say these things just to make themselves feel more superior and make other people, like I said before, feel less so the best thing to ever do is ignore them and move on.

People these days have to be responsible for their own happiness. For example, if a boy goes out with a girl just to use her, the girl shouldn't be sad if he breaks up with her, she should just move on and just be happy with her life. Another example would be that in all cases if the person knows he or she is not comfortable with the way they are living, they should try to live the "right" way. My last example would be the life of a gang banger. Since even know some gang bangers say they are happy with the way they are living, the majority say they want to leave the gang life to live a happier and more safer life, but once your in, your in the gang for life! That means that they were responsible for their own choice of living because they had the choice of either getting in or not getting into that situation at all. So what I am trying to say is that they were responsible for their life they are living right now because they didn't have the bravery to say NO gang and all that it includes. People that lure kids into that kind of life are basically jelous for not being happy so they want to make other people unhappy,too.

In conclusion, one of the many important skills a person should know in order to be successful in life should be the ability to ignore or avoid negative people. There are many reasons behind this useful skill. Having a positive attitude no matter what kind of situation you're into. Another very important reason would be not relying o people for their opinion because your own opinion is he one that really counts. Also, people are responsible for their own happiness. Like I said before, "Jealous people will always be jealous"!

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